Financial Education


We provide  financial education and  professional development training with an emphasis on providing strategies for achieving goals despite obstacles (e.g., busy schedules, suboptimal income, -isms, procrastin-itis).  Our  curricula are designed to be immediately applicable to participants’ lives. 
We offer a variety of presentation formats from single-topic, small group  discussions to multi-day workshops for large groups.  We present on-site and on-line in five languages (i.e., English, Spanish, French, Mandarin, and Cantonese).  Need another language?  Let us know!
Post-presentation coaching can be added to assist participants as they apply strategies learned to their lives.


Past Topics and Workshops​


Workshop Titles​

  • Life and career planning​
  • Budgeting​
  • Managing credit​
  • Career strategy​
  • Investing​
  • Financial Planning​
  • Family Financial Literacy​
  • Make Your Dreams Happen!​
  • Where Did My Money Go?​
  • Debt Free in 2022!​
  • Career: Sharp Skills, Strong Brand, Wide Network​
  • What is a Stock?​
  • Easy Financial Planning​
  • Helping Kids Become Wealthy​

We deliver presentations in English, Spanish, French, Mandarin, and Cantonese​.

Each package includes:

  • A pre-planning session with your Sole Strivers instructor; ​
  • A program customized for your audiences;​
  • On-time, high-quality delivery of the program in the desired languages;​
  • Tools  to help participants  apply personal finance skills and strategies to their own goals;​
  • In-class exercises and templates for use after class​
  • Information about helpful community-based and online resources; and ​
  •  Follow-up sessions and on-site coaching if requested.  ​


Special Programs

Train-the-Trainer programs

Tell us about your trainers and the audiences they serve and we will produce training and coaching programs that are easy to understand and deliver. 

Financial Fitness Series

Tell us about your audience and your goals for your audience and we will create a customized, multi-workshop program that helps you and your audience reach the goals identified for each group. 

Financial Literacy Series​

Do you have an audience who are experiencing financial transitions (e.g., college students, public housing residents, workforce development program participants, new homeowners)? Let’s create an education series for them that triples their chances of succeeding in their endeavors. Click here to learn more.
